Thursday, August 12, 2010

Aggressive Problems Still happening.

Sadly even though our dog is still on medication we have only seen some improvement. We also have him on a Herbal Calming Powder that we buy from the doggie daycare that he sometimes attends. Most of the time my husband walks him (as he is stronger to handle him better), I do walk him a couple times a week but only with a muzzle on.

I truly feel he would do so much better if he lived on a farm or somewhere that gave him tons of exercise a day and "a purpose".

I am going to take him back soon to the Animal Communicator that I have taken him to in the past. I want to see what he has to say and if his attitude about being the "superior one" in the house, aka Alpha has changed.

Thank you to those who have posted....and best of luck with your Porty's


Charles Van Buren said...

Please don't let Wayne re-home your dog. And no PWD belongs on a farm! They have to much "to do" and would wreak havoc on a farm. I'm sorry that Pam didn't help you. Obviously since the PWD rescue knows all about Pam you clearly aren't the first to have problems wit her dogs for whatever reason. You see, Pam is a money breeder. Last time I checked (her website is down) she doesn't do health testing (and OFA alone is NOT sufficient) doesn't belong to the CKC, doesn't belong or adhere to the standings of the PWDCC. She is listed on tons of internet puppy sale sites. All of this is a big WARNING sign to me. She spends less $$$ on health, registrations, etc., so she makes more money. Plus, any great PWD breeder does NOT advertise. They don't have to. They have waiting lists. There are people involved in the breed (and not someone like Wayne who has one, or is it two PWDS?) for 20+ years who will help you. I would suggest joining PWD-L. You can google it. It's a list of "real" PWD people for the most part. People there will help you, although you may get a few idiots who will be critical, but you already know about that. One forwarning- do NOT send him to a U.S. breeder from Bethany, CT. She claims to be a rescuer but has already failed at it miserably. Cosmo would be in danger if you sent him there. If you do wish to rehome him get a signed contract regarding his care. FYI, PWDs were originally an aggressive and not very nice breed back in the days they fished in Portugual. Most of this has been bred out of the breed but there are still throw backs. There are PWDs with aggressive tendencies living all over, it's by no means just you or Bayport. Unfortunately you have to become somewhat of an insider and you and apparently Wayne aren't to find a quality Portuguese Water Dog. You say you have trouble walking him- this can be fixed! You just need to know how. Oh, and if you care, I've had PWDs for 19 years, I have my third right now. She is 5 years old and has her CGC, TDI and has participated in agility and rally. No aggression, ever...but I've seen it and been to the U.S. National Speciality and seen lots of Porties and it is common in the breed. Good luck putting Pam out of business. I don't think you can do it, but you can certainly warn others.

Wayne said...

I don't claim to be any kind of expert on PWD's. I have done a bit of research before deciding on the breed. My dogs from Baypoer do have their registration. Pam does belong to the CKC, PWDCC, and has her dogs health testing done. Why would someone say otherwise? Being malicious, uninformed, or just telling lies for attention?