Monday, October 24, 2011


As with any breed of dog you should check with that breeds rescue organization before purchasing your pet.  They know all of the reputable breeders and can steer you in the right direction, sadly we did not do this first.

Here is a link to PWD Rescue...........

MORE LIES......when will it stop!

This is posted on a site entitled...."answers to problems with Bayport Waterdogs
Please see my corrections in red as to what actually happened.
Sadly, however there is one person who is not happy with her dog or my services. I would like to take this opportunity to address my side of this story publically. You are welcome to read her blog at http// Unfortunately the dog has been put on Prozac and apparently he is aggressive.
The dog was put on for only one month about a year ago.
The more time and work you put into anything the more successful the end result will be. True, temperament to a degree in all animals is partially inherited from their parents but equally if not more formative is the training and environment that animal live in.. The Portuguese Waterdog is a very intelligent working dog not suited for every family, I am the first to tell people this before the interviewing process even begins.
When it was brought to my attention that this family was experiencing difficulties I offered my advice and eventually offered to take the dog back for re-training and assessment as per my contract. The offer was denied. When things got more difficult for this family they called our home a couple times but I happened to be on my honeymoon.
This is an absolute lie.....ALL PHONE CALLS WERE NOT RETURNED, EMAIL WAS NOT ANSWERED and initially we just wanted to let Pam know that there was a problem with one of her dogs.  Any reputable breeder would want to know we thought.  NO ADVICE WAS OFFERED....AND NEVER WAS THERE AN OFFER TO TAKE BACK OUR DOG FOR RE-TRAINING AND ASSESSMENT.
Consequently out of frustration I am sure their blog was posted. In the beginning it received many angry postings from all kinds of people who know and love my dogs. Also many people responded in anger who knew that a family pet should never be on Prozac! Many people who knew the dogs and knew my breeding program replied with corrections and the truth. Many people who knew Rosie know that she did not have 8 litters in 9 years. That is ridiculous if not impossible. My females have 3 litters and then retire and live with families, in fact almost all my dogs live in homes and are loved by their families. When such favourable positive replies flooded in to their blog they were blocked and continue to be blocked .
The only replies "blocked" on my blog were the ones attacking me as a person....if you look there are comments on there still that are favourable.
At this time all correspondences from myself my husband and my lawyer are not returned. I am concerned about the well being of this dog and think the best thing for him is for him to be returned to me.
THE ONLY CORRESPONDENCE I RECEIVED WAS FROM HER LAWYER  demanding that I take down my Blog due to false statements to which I requested clarification as to which statements specifically were false and received no follow-up. Again no responses were received from Pam or her Husband (other than through Lawyer) and NEVER was there an offer to take our dog back.
Everyone meeting my dogs love them for their friendliness and affectionate and happy nature. PWDs are not known for having allergies and I suspect his chewing of his paws is a nervous disorder not naturally occurring in PWDs.
Thank you to everyone for your support and encouragement. Thanks to all of you for taking the time to read this. Please address any unanswered questions or concerns directly to myself for clarification. It is always best to go directly to the directly to the source. I am transparent and have nothing to hide.
Sincerely yours,

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Some Progress

Finally a few months ago we found a local Dog Trainer that is truly experienced with aggressive dogs.  He has been great in working with our Porty.  We are seeing improvements, slowly but we are happy that things are moving in a positive direction.  Our Trainer also takes both our dogs for two days a week in his Doggy Daycare and this helps to continue his training.  We have had to resort to using the muzzle in our home so that we can manage answering the door without being bitten.  Although it is removed at bedtime, when we are gone from the house (without dogs) and in the evening when no one is likely to come to the door.  Having the muzzle on allows us to be assertive and in charge of the situation without the concern of being bit.  We are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with our 5 year old.