Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rosie passed away at 8 Years of age

We recently learned that our dog's Mother has passed away and the reason is unknown. I suspect that it could be due to welping 7 litters in her mere 8 years.

Again another falicy.....we were told by Pam that the litter our dog was from was Rosie's 3rd litter and would be her last!

Poor thing must have been just worn out!

Tons of Research was done before adopting a PWD

For those who have the idea (comments made) that we did not Research the Breed before deciding to have a PWD as a pet couldn't be more wrong!
We did months of research on a few breeds before narrowing it down to this breed.

My husband is a very experienced dog owner and has worked very hard (as well as me) at training our dog, giving him lots of exercise and lots of attention. We have also hired professionals to help with behaviour modification and continued education on dog training.

We also DO NOT plan on re-homing our dog (thank you to those who offered help in this area) he truly is a member of our family and will remain that way. We have no plans on giving up on him, I made the comment about him living on a farm because I thought he would be happier (not us).

On a positive note.....he is a very loving dog, loves the water (of coarse), is happy in our home and has been excellent with his little brother (a Cockapoo) since day one.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Aggressive Problems Still happening.

Sadly even though our dog is still on medication we have only seen some improvement. We also have him on a Herbal Calming Powder that we buy from the doggie daycare that he sometimes attends. Most of the time my husband walks him (as he is stronger to handle him better), I do walk him a couple times a week but only with a muzzle on.

I truly feel he would do so much better if he lived on a farm or somewhere that gave him tons of exercise a day and "a purpose".

I am going to take him back soon to the Animal Communicator that I have taken him to in the past. I want to see what he has to say and if his attitude about being the "superior one" in the house, aka Alpha has changed.

Thank you to those who have posted....and best of luck with your Porty's