Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rosie passed away at 8 Years of age

We recently learned that our dog's Mother has passed away and the reason is unknown. I suspect that it could be due to welping 7 litters in her mere 8 years.

Again another falicy.....we were told by Pam that the litter our dog was from was Rosie's 3rd litter and would be her last!

Poor thing must have been just worn out!

Tons of Research was done before adopting a PWD

For those who have the idea (comments made) that we did not Research the Breed before deciding to have a PWD as a pet couldn't be more wrong!
We did months of research on a few breeds before narrowing it down to this breed.

My husband is a very experienced dog owner and has worked very hard (as well as me) at training our dog, giving him lots of exercise and lots of attention. We have also hired professionals to help with behaviour modification and continued education on dog training.

We also DO NOT plan on re-homing our dog (thank you to those who offered help in this area) he truly is a member of our family and will remain that way. We have no plans on giving up on him, I made the comment about him living on a farm because I thought he would be happier (not us).

On a positive note.....he is a very loving dog, loves the water (of coarse), is happy in our home and has been excellent with his little brother (a Cockapoo) since day one.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Aggressive Problems Still happening.

Sadly even though our dog is still on medication we have only seen some improvement. We also have him on a Herbal Calming Powder that we buy from the doggie daycare that he sometimes attends. Most of the time my husband walks him (as he is stronger to handle him better), I do walk him a couple times a week but only with a muzzle on.

I truly feel he would do so much better if he lived on a farm or somewhere that gave him tons of exercise a day and "a purpose".

I am going to take him back soon to the Animal Communicator that I have taken him to in the past. I want to see what he has to say and if his attitude about being the "superior one" in the house, aka Alpha has changed.

Thank you to those who have posted....and best of luck with your Porty's

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Our Dog is a Pure Bred PWD

We have been able to confirm that our dog is a purebred PWD.

His medication seems to already be working (after only 6 days) as he has not been as challenging this week, so it looks hopeful that we have finally found something that is helping.

As time goes on we are learning more and more about Pam Schlueter and what certainly appears to be a lack of breeding ethics. We have been told that she is continuing to use dogs to breed that are either from an aggressive father or mother or who are aggressive themselves.

There have also been other reports (from PWD owners with dogs from Bayport) that there are other health issues beyond the aggression / biting problem. We know of one specific male who has IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease) that has greatly affected his health and cost their owners a large amount of money and conern.

It also seems to be common among these dogs that they have allergy issues. Our dog spends a lot of time chewing at his paws and rubs his face along furniture and walls, especially after eating. We have put him on the fish only food as suggested by our Vet, the food we have him on is made by Fromm's. The Vet indicated that the protein in chicken and beef is one of the more common allergies. We also ensure that any of his dog treats do not have these proteins in them.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

FYI...we have learned that Pam Schlueter of Bayport Water Dogs is now remarried and using the name Pam Headon.

We have decided to try giving our dog medication as prescribed by our Vet. This decision does not come easily at all but we are willing to try it as so far nothing else has worked. Even our Animal Communicator has suggested this and she has not done so for any other dog in the past.

So...we will be monitoring our dog closely to see how he does with this medication. If there is no improvement after a few weeks we will take him off it. I so hope it helps though as he is so uptight and anxious most of the time.

We have been in contact with other PWD owner's who have also purchased a dog from Bayport Water Dogs (aka Pam Schleuter) and they too have had very similar aggression / biting issues with their dogs. So it looks like there is hope. Hope that we can all pool our information / resources and help others to make informed decisions.

There is also that possibility that our PWD is not a pure-bread. He may have been bred with a Barbet (French Water Dog) so my next step is to see if we can get a blood test done to determine what the case is. More money.....just another drop in the bucket compared to what we have spend to help our dog and our family.

Friday, April 2, 2010

We have recently learned more information about Pam Schlueter Owner and Operator of BayPort Waterdogs from a local Rescue.  Based on this information it is our strong opinion that she has been producing dogs that have very aggressive natures and strong biting tendencies.

We purchased a Pup from her and even though he is now almost 4 years old he continues to get more and more aggressive.

We tried contacting her in good faith to let her know there was a problem with one of her dogs, yet she just does not return calls. After several attempts we have given up. My husband then called the Portuguese Waterdog Rescue. We heard back from them right away. The news was not good. It turns out they know full well of Pam Schlueter and not in a good way. They know that she is notorious for not returning calls to anyone who has purchased one of her pups. They mentioned that 3 of her dogs have had to be PUT DOWN because of being so aggressive and biting. They are unable to help us with our dog as once they have a history of biting they cannot be placed to another home through the Rescue.

Please do your research before buying a dog from this breeder!!!

We have spend countless hours, a great deal of money and used many resources in attempts to train and manage our very difficult dog. Not to mention the emotional affects on our family and the many tears shed. So far he has bitten myself, my husband several times, my son, my daughter and two visitors to our home.

He is actually a very loving dog until you ask him to do something he doesn't want to do...or until someone (other than immediate family) comes to the door, or if he perceives you as a threat when we walk by on the street (which by the way he has a muzzle on when on walks).

We do not plan on putting our dog down....but have had to and will continue to have to for the rest of his life..be very careful that he is not in a situation where he could seriously harm someone.

I am not doing this blog to be vengeful...I am doing it in the hopes to save another family from going through the emotional turmoil that my family has and is going through.

There are other PWD breeders around and I implore you to do your research before you buy!